Something for the weekend sir.....?

Gig dates

The Misfit Collective

About the Band


Young. Virile. Hugely talented.......

Are all things that are rarely found in the same sentence as TMC. But who the f**k wants to be young again? It was awful! The first clumsy kiss. Horid! The first tentative cheeky finger behind the school bike sheds. Dreadful!

But you remember the first music with a warm smile don't you ay?! And TMC play those suckers. They may have the collective age of a Greenland shark (check it out)  but BOOM! they can play a toon. And they're all the toons you know and adore. They have a bluegrassy-skiffley feel hence their gendre - SKIFFLEGRASS ©. Yeehaa!

There's only one thing to do people. Book the f**k out of us!

Trunch Social Club

Martham Social Club





Last night  (...) I was fortunate enough to hear this band. Rarely have I heard a trio of musicians produce such a slick, professional, perfectly balanced sound. The choice of material and the way it was played was completely unique. And their tongue in cheek approach made for some very comedic moments. This is a band who have worked very hard to put together a night of music that will suit all tastes and keep you dancing from dusk till dawn. Truly brilliant guys!!!! Xxx

~Donna - Facebook

Facebook review:

The best band you've never heard of...

We don't play sad songs y'all!
